Sunday, February 17, 2008

New recipe up - Tamago Sushi

Tamago Sushi ( すし) is one of my favorites: it's simple, quick, an awesome start for a beginner and tastes amazing! It's easy because there is no rolling involved at all (I love nigiri sushi for that fact alone <3). I also love Srirachi sauce. It's used on bakudan with tempura crumbs and tuna. It makes a crunchy hot sushi :-) I hate wasabi, though.
At one of my buddies' birthdays last year I hate a whole chunk of it on a dare. That was stupid to say the least. And i did not feel good at all after all. But, because of that I drank more martinis and even tried a Starbucks one, it was awesome~!

Phrase of the Post ~ これ が とても おいしい です. です か.
(Kore ga totemo oishii desu. Nan desu ka?)
This is very delicious. What is it?

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